Support a Purple Mountain Scholar

Help our extraordinary students get a Williams education

Your gifts to the Alumni Fund already help ensure that Williams is able to admit the very best students based on what they might become, not on what they can afford to pay.

You can open the college’s doors to the very best students

Purple Mountain Scholars offers leadership Alumni Fund donors a living connection to these remarkable young beneficiaries. With your Alumni Fund gift of $25,000 a year for five consecutive years (a total commitment of $125,000), you can help support the undergraduate education of several Williams students.

We believe in undergraduates

One of every two Williams students receives financial aid and Williams supports every aided student in ways that go well beyond tuition, room, and board. No aided student pays for textbooks, for example, and many aided students receive support for expenses ranging from academic travel to summer internships. Your Purple Mountain Scholar gift makes it possible for Williams to continue to offer need-blind admissions and meet the full demonstrated need for all admitted students. Your support means a Williams education is within reach for promising students from all backgrounds and regions of the world.

“My support of the Purple Mountain Scholars program is an investment in fighting systemic inequity on an individual basis. Given the issues we face today, I cannot think of a more powerful opportunity to help create a better future for all.”  – Mary Kipp ’89 P’20

To sponsor Purple Mountain Scholar or learn more about the program, please contact Natalia Rey de Castro ’09.