Trust and Estate Administration Office


The Trust and Estate Administration Office accepts and manages gifts of life income funds, gifts-in-kind, insurance, real estate, trusts and estates, and other assets to Williams College.

Gifts of appreciated securities are an increasingly popular and tax-efficient way to accomplish your philanthropic goals. If you transfer long-term appreciated stock to a Williams life income fund, it’s possible you can avoid capital gains tax (depending on the plan).

How do you go about making a gift of appreciated securities to a life income fund to Williams? If you have not spoken with the Gift Planning Office about making a gift, our colleagues there will be happy to assist you. Please contact them at (413) 597-3538 or [email protected].

If you’ve already discussed a life income gift with the Gift Planning Office and the Trust and Estate Administration Office, please follow the links below to make a gift of securities or a cash wire to a life income fund.


Trust and Estate Administration Office
Williams College
75 Park Street
Williamstown, MA  01267
Telephone – 413-597-4533
Facsimile – 413-597-4573
email – [email protected]

More contact information is available on the Trust & Estate staff page.